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It’s the right of every child to access quality education regardless of their background. These rights are enshrined in our Kenyan constitution 2010 which underscores the commitment to provision of quality and inclusive education as a fundamental right.

Estimates from the 2014 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) show that close to

1 million children are out of school. Majority coming from rural areas and low-income areas in urban settlement.

And those in schools, there is no guarantee they are accessing quality education. Casing point, in Mathare slums there are 4 public primary schools which amount to 9% of total schools, while above 85% are low-cost private schools with limited poor infrastructure and limited resources. These schools employ untrained teachers who offers cheap labors to guarantee profit to the owners. Additionally, the school can’t afford enough teaching resources for teachers and neither can the parents. This combination of gaps guarantees failure of the system to deliver quality education to students in such areas.


We believe in Kenya where quality education is offered to every child. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developments commitment to “leave no one behind‟

At Oasis Mathare, we pride ourselves in our TextSchool innovation that is easily accessible and aims at improving the quality of education to the most marginalized children from Kenya.

TextSchool is a an innovate and a mobile application that targets students with limited internet and hardware accessibility to access unlimited content via USSD/SMS

Features of Textschool.

-Provides easily accessible learning materials via SMS. As long as a user has a phone can send and receive text messages.

-Provide content management system for easy updates that is relevant to emerging needs, e.g,

  • Covid19 outreach. This helped community to gauge their level of information about corona virus by participating in Covid19 quizzes.
  • Providing Mental health content BDI.